Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Glimpse in to History of Money

A wonderful reading on the History Money. Click on the Link below.

I was thinking of writing about Currency Notes and the current technology of checking the notes for Counterfeits. This lead me into checking the history of Money and found the following link. Very interesting indeed.

The Currency notes produced by the Mints of the countries include various special techniques. Their fineness in(Resolution of) printing, maintaining the sizes (Length and breadth), including Water marks, Ultra Violet marks , Magnetism, Metal thread extra makes the counterfeiters a run for their money. Even though naked eyes can be fooled, Special money counting machines can detect any variations and can alert the Cashier on the status of the currency. With the advance in technology, counterfeiting is also on the increase. But Machine manufactures are also keeping an eye on this matter and is improving the counterfeit catching technology. For a given good currency, the machine expects certain patterns from all the sensors. If these patterns are found, then only , the currencies are passed as good. If any specifications are not correct, It will alert the user of the machine on this abnormality. On careful observation, we can detect the problem and take action.

Even though a lot is achieved in countering the counterfeit problem, Banks and other customers using these machines are demanding more and more. Too much of this alerts from the machine makes them, impatient. Customers are demanding more and more. The technology is being developed - or is in development, which will scan the original mint currencies up to the most number of intricate patterns and will save in memory. These patterns are then compared one to one with the currency being counted. An 100 % comparison passes the currency as good. Main consideration on this matter would be the original notes in circulation for quite sometime. Machine has to take in to consideration of the crumpling, dirt and color change etc. up to certain extent. These is a very important factor to be considered.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition

Speech Recognition has arrived. Gone are the days of frustration for the voice recognition technology enthusiasts. Almost 90 % accuracy is arrived in certain systems.

Recently We had a brush with this technology. We were already having a lot of experience in the Dictation / Transcription Systems from Dictaphone - Now Nuance Corporation . As part of embracing new technology and a multi speciality Hospital one of our client, decided to go for voice recognition. They have purchased a System. We had the opportunity of co-ordinating the installation, training and commissioning the system in this Hospital. It was indeed a wonderful experience. They had a Radiology and Pathology Model. There are two servers at the back end and clients are web based.

There is a training curve connected with this system. Doctors have to read at least 10 sample reports to start with. With full training and adaptation, system will give 95% accuracy. This mainly suitable for Doctors in the Radiolgy. Even though, they have the choice of Self Edit and Sending the part recognised documents and speech to the Transcriptionists, the recent tread being to encourage the Doctors to be self edit. They are various incentives schemes are being worked out on this matter.

There are a lot of information on the Net regarding this subject. Follow the link, if you are interested to go on.

Another Christmas day in Saudi Arabia,

Christmas Day.

Another Christmas . Another New Year. It was work as usual. Time goes on and time. We have no control over this matter. We wish, we need at least a 1000 years at our disposal to see, implore, explore this great world. A normal life hour at this time in the world looks very short. It is heartening to see the the average life span of a person has increased steadly in the past past 100 years or so. I believe very firmly that. in time to come this advancement will amaze everbody. There will be problems in accepting this advances as it will be persumed against nature. But one can assume safely that, in times to come, people over all over the world will accept this research work and will strike a balance.

Future generations of men and women will decide the future of the world.

I talked to my son and daughter and gave little pep talk to them about their future and life.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday Season

A great Get Together We have attended a Party in Qatif, saudi Arabia to celeberate EID and Chritmas. There were more than 60 People, most of them from kerala state, India. There was a big banner proclaming the occasion. Banner was printed in Flex - in color. It was beatiful. It improved the spirit the occasion. It was a joy seeing people sitting in small groups and chit chatting all about life and really enjoying a short break they all got from the busy schedule.

The party was organised by Sajan , Shibu and Sukkur. A Big thanks to all of them for taking so much trouble and money to make this occasion a great succes.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Impacts of Technolgy in our life.

We have Electricity, We have Cars, Motor Cycles ,Television , Cables , Internet, computers, Telephones fixed and mobile, that also Several. We have Microwave ovens and the list goes on and on. Inspite of this, are we happy? This is the big question raised by everyone. In the rate race of getting all these matrial things, we are forgetting to live like a decent humanbeing. We have no time for our children our parents and buddies and neightbours. We have no passion for the needy or poor.

I dont think , a normal person ever have time or money to help the needy. How can he help. He has a long list of needs to full fill his or children's needs.

How can we get out of this problem?

Future of Computer Technology

Olden times or Golden times.

We are living in a wonderful time. There is no area in our life, where technolgy has not touched. Our day to day life is controlled by technology. Future holds unforseen miraculous technolgy developments. We were able to see both sides of this wonderful era.

I still remember days of my childhood. Growing up in village of current Malappuram District of Kerala, India. There were no electricity or or roads in the village. There was a railway track infront of our house. Therewere few trains going up and down. We could literally count these trains. Our daily routines were timed with these trains. When the last train passes, we used to goto bed. My mother used to getup early with the passing of the morning train.

We had no electricity in the house. We used to read infront of a kersoine lamp. We used to walk to school several kilometeres away.

Industralization , Developments have changed it all. Our children will never believe, when we say those old stories.